Tuesday, October 26, 2010

before all the before(s)

Way before i take my O levels, before i'm in Secondary 5, before i know abt tp, before i question myself "What do i wanna be when i grow up" , before i went to tp open house, before i get to know abt "Diploma in baking and culinary science" , before i got back my O level results, the only thing that came into my mind after deciding that i wanna be a vet, is to be a pastry chef. I wanna bake pretty and edible muffins, cookies, cakes and even pies. I wanna set up my own pastry cafe and in my mind, i already have an image of what my cafe looks like.. But why? Why do i hate my course so much right now and why do i constantly complained about chging my course? What happen to my passion for baking? What happen to my dreams abt my cafe in the future? Where did all the enthusiasm go?
If i really went and change my course, 10 years later will i regret that i'm not baking pretty and edible muffins?
If i did not change my course, 10 years later will i be whining and complaining about staying in the kitchen th whole day and regretting not pursuing my dreams of being a vet?


1 comment:

NoNo said...

HAHA So 烦 ah! One advice: don't think so much.. just continue your way down. Everything happened for a reason. So in future, u wont regret it de since baking is one of yr dreams too :) For me, after 3yrs then i realised i chose the wrong course too but i made good friends and due to this, i then realised i got passion in another thing. Yup, so for now, just relax and enjoy yr days in TP :)